Thursday, October 6, 2011

Principal for a Day


That was the sound of my alarm clock going off this Friday morning. I find that my clothes in my dresser are the same thing: XL underwear, large collared shirts and ties that never match.

"Weird", I muttered. "I never knew it was picture day", I said sarcastically.

I just grabbed a pair of pants and went to brush my teeth. I reached for my toothbrush and found an adult-sized green and white toothbrush. I looked in the mirror and almost had a heart attack.

"I'm an adult?!" I covered my mouth. Oh no. My mom was in the kitchen and she must've heard I had a hoarse voice.

"Jason?" she called. "You sound sick... do you want a cough drop?" 

"Ah... no, thanks!" I said in my best kid immitation.

 "OK... I'll come in and give it to you!" 

"No, no, no!" I said normally. 

She came inside.  "AH!  HOBO!!  911!!" 

I crashed out the window and ran to school. Some people were waiting outside of the school. 

"Ah hello, you must be the substitute principal for today." 

"Well um..." I said nervously.

"Great! I'll show you your office!" he happily replied without thinking.

In my office I found a loudspeaker. I clicked it on and noticed it broadcast to the whole school.  I grinned.

"Hello, this is your principal speaking. Today everyone gets an A+, there will be no homework, and we get to watch R-rated movies with cookies!" 

I could hear everyone cheer from every classroom. In 6 hours it was time to go. As I left the building I signed autographs, took pictures, received thank-you notes, and slapped high-fives. 

"Bye guys!" I said to them as I walked home.

I started to shrink, then my shoes and sleeves grew the size of Paul Bunyan. I rang the doorbell and my mom answered. 

"Hi Jason! Had a good day at school?" 

"Oh yeah. It was wonderful", I replied.

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